Digital accounting is real-time, meaning information will always be accessible from a digital device – no matter where you are in the world or at whatever time. With compatible apps, you’ll also be able to record transactions while on the move. More information about digital software options is included in our knowledge hub to guide you through the options.
Keeping a close eye on your cash flow and having access to immediate reports, such as profit and loss, tracking, balance sheets, and bank accounts, provides the tools to manage a healthy business.
Are you digitally exempt?
There may be circumstances where you can apply to be exempt from MTD Income Tax. Suppose you believe you cannot use a computer or access software via the internet because of a disability, age, location, or religion. In that case, you must immediately contact HMRC to see if you’re eligible. There will be a very limited number of cases that HMRC will categorize as exempt. Find more information by clicking here.
Gain the advantage and start implementing the changes to digital now to save time and disturbance.